Welcome to the #1 House-Buying website in FWMKraine!

Reminder: all orders must be paid for in person.

Trending Houses

"Fun Sized" Castle

Price: 400 FP or Lower

"Someone took a part of the recently liquidated King Arthurs Castle and stuck it on a private floating island. Don't know how or why I ended up with it but I'm willing to sell it for any good price. There's a gobbler problem but it can easily be taken care of (totally)..."


Happy Home in ROBLOXia

Price: 1300 FP

"A one story humble abode located in a quiet part of DGville. Furniture isn't included. Oh and payment can be done directly outside the home."


Small House Near a Church

Price: 800 FP

"A cozy one room home + a garage located near the Baykoist Church in Bainnington. Furniture such as a table, chairs and a bed are included. As for payment it'll be done in the parking lot of the nearby hotel."


Completely Normal Mansion

Price: 666 FP

"2 story mansion with an attic, basement and... well, you'll find out. The house is fully furnished and has working electricity. Rest assured this house is NOT haunted by supernatural creatures. Payment *must* be performed in the Forest of Desolation, thank you. :)"


LukeJacobuilders' 5 Star Apartments

Price: 100 FP Per Night

"Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Vivamus non purus diam. Vivamus a erat magna. Donec at nunc ut dui imperdiet condimentum. Praesent iaculis augue vel enim pulvinar, id mattis mauris pellentesque. Ut auctor interdum lorem, in placerat eros bibendum non."
